Buying or Selling a Property

Despite estate agents’ hype and eternal optimism, property prices have fallen in Spain. This is very much a buyer’s market and there are deals to be made. The current value of Sterling vs. the euro can be turned into an opportunity.

Nevertheless, for a purchaser with financing in place, some great bargains can still be found – and we still enjoy one of the healthiest environments in the world for temperature, sunshine, humidity and low pollution. SO it’s not AS cheap as previously, but it’s still a FANTASTIC place to live!

ALBA Consultas can act for either buyer or seller to ensure a pain-free transition of ownership with no nasty surprises on either side in terms of taxes, exchange rates, utility bills, local authority restrictions, community fees etc.

Should you wish to purchase a property, please remember that the Estate Agent WORKS FOR THE SELLER. You wouldn’t buy in the U.K. without  impartial representation, town hall searches and legal advice. Spain is no different!